
4/26/16STASMO Forum, a great way to share info with our colleagues and vendors from across the RGV.  Easy sign up, call Dan Cantu at 956.832.2412 if you have questions!

"International Facility Management Association (IFMA)", established in 1980, website​

​"Today's Facility Manager", Facility management magazine, blogs, topics, etc,  website

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), For Schools, website

FEMA, National Incident Management System, (NIMS) online training modules

TAMU School IPM newsletters link; very informative

Texas A&M (TAMU), School IPM site

Texas Governor's Office...

Texas School Safety Centerwas created in 1999 by Governor George Bush and authorized by the 77th Texas Legislature in 2001 to serve as a central location for school safety information, and to provide schools with research, training, and technical assistance to reduce youth violence and promote safety in the state. TxSSC is charged to conduct safety training that includes...

Texas Assoc of School Business Officials (TASBO) this is link to other regional M&O organizations across the State...includes telephone numbers and email address of regional affiliate presidents.

2014 Conference, StopWastingMyMoney, BrianUlrich, DBR.pdf
2.3 MB

Presentation, "Pavement Maintenance",  by Jesse Aguilar, PE with Raba Kistner Inc.

Presentation, "LEED For Existing Buildings", (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design)  by Peter Falletta, PE with Terracon

Our 2012-13 scholarship recipients!
-April Martinez, PISD               -Ernesto Reyes, LFCISD
-Jacqueline Millier, WISD          -Jaime Borrego, PSJA
-Noe Galaviz, Mission CISD       -Reynaldo Avila, IDEA
-Analisa Cantu, IDEA 

~ Changes to Construction rules after 2011 Legislative session. Click here for document.

~ 2014 Conference Presentation by DBR- "Stop Wasting My Money"

~ 2014 Conference Presentation from EPA Region One- "Creating Exceptional Facilities for Students..."

~2015 Summer Conference Presentation, SECO- "Energy Acronyms & the Energy Code"

~2015 Summer Conference Presentation, PlayWell- "Playground Hazards"

~2015 Summer Conference Presentation, TD Industries- "Indoor Air Quality"